Prepare To Scale 1:1 Intensive

There comes a moment in every entrepreneur’s journey that I call

‘Shit or Get Off The Pot’ time.

That sliding door moment when your best laid plans are all lined up, the trigger is pulled to catapult you up and out of standard results, mediocre incremental growth and a do or die desire to get there FASTER, BETTER, STRONGER.

You even may have your team ready to press all of the buttons- they are just waiting for your green light. And you are sitting at yellow hoping someone else presses the button for you.

You know what to do- kinda.

You know what you are best at- ish.

You believe in yourself- mostly.

Kinda, Ish and Mostly deliver results that match that energy. Ish, really?

Have you built what you’ve built for just ISH?!

But the problem isn’t 

that you didn't spend enough time meditating OR color coding your schedule to get the superstar results…..

It’s that you FORGOT you are THE superstar!

You are the fuel that makes success happen.

Your first few good years in business could’ve felt like a success fluke or streak of ‘luck’.

Fun to ride but really hard to replicate.

Your next level plans need to match your readiness and your mindset has to be lined up for your individual rocket ride to fame, glory + success- or maybe even just a really awesome business with the most dreamy clients you love.

Either/or- whatever floats your boat, Maverick.

They are your results, not mine- I just know how to turbo charge your tugboat/yacht....

There is no more time to waste- the longer you SIT on the fence, the more energy and excitement drains and the less passion and belief you can conjure up to ‘fake it till you make it’.

These wishy washy chess moves don't happen on my watch.

What you need is a two pow punch of strategic business dance moves with mindset mastery.


Your performance will lift up your actions and ROIs and your right unique plan will give your creative brain the right boost to move into trust and away from disasterizing small silly visions you don’t even want.

You can’t, I repeat CANNOT, choose just mindset work or creative strategy.

They don’t work individually NOT for long term flying, anyway.

So the question is….do you want a business and self that resemble a fireworks show and end in 5 minutes OR an ongoing orchestra of full sensory explosion of that genius you are dosing out in a spray of glory?

(Not a trick question, but choose B otherwise you are probs on the wrong firestarter’s website…..)

It’s time for a new plan and it’s called


and it’s my knowhow + spark concentrated for your business + life.

What it looks like:

A down and dirty 6 weeks with me in your back pocket (I won’t grope anything I promise!)

3 x 90 min sessions + 1 x 45 min follow up call to be used within 90 days 

In between calls, you get time to work on what we unearthed, daily email access to me, idea and copy review and tweaks, bespoke meditations by moi to keep you on track 

Call #1

Puzzle Projection- we take all of the elements you already have in place and find the missing pieces

What your audience needs + what pockets of service you are missing + and how to build a better infrastructure of magic

Call #2

Ideation to Creation- this call is the pedal to the medal- we craft the offers, create the lead up content and even map out the cushion content so anywhere they land near you, they know exactly how to choose, buy and rave about you


Call #3

Performance Pathfinder- we take all of the mind gunk stopping you from stepping up and serving in your biggest Maverick way and we shift it fast.
Inner Stories get rewritten, pathways get rebuilt and you emerge with a new set of tools, rituals and even beliefs that make you the Unstoppable Maverick the world is waiting for

Who it's not for:

Stalling Susans/Stuarts- 

If you rev up like mad and stop for cawfee or gin at every corner shop to avoid ACTUALLY shifting and doing the work, this ain’t gonna work for you. You’ll likely drown under my colorful vomit stream of excitement and idea flow, and I like you too much to do that on purpose

Confusion Cultivators- 

For every question answered, you have 5 more. You like to complicate, not simplify and you concentrate on what hasn’t or won’t work rather than turning the cube on its side with me to innovate and recreate. Ain’t got time for that- this is need for creative speed (you do read that in tom cruise’s voice I KNOW IT) 

Magnets Foe Mayhem-

You love the martyr role in your business and life and can’t carve out the space to work ON your biz and your growing self because you are too busy putting out everyone else’s fires (I feel for you I used to do that too, but that’s a clear sign you aren’t ready for my kinda cage rattle!)

Faffing Factory Workers

You love a templated answer, want to be told what to do and when and aren't ready to dig deep for your own creative expression. 

Er nope. Not it. 

If you are ready to blow up what stands in your way and emerge ready and raring to get to your next success level with no sliding back-

Prepare To Scale is the 6 weeks you’ve been waiting for.

I am a straight shooter- I work fast and furious and I go massive vision to tiny tweaks sometimes without much breath in between. (Wired for rainbow style growth I guess)

I’ve been called half your loving Grandmother and then I go NY mafia on your ass- sometimes all in the same call and always with love and laughter. 

If you want a spark of magic woven into all you do and are FINALLY, I’m probably going to be exactly what you’ve been wanting to add to your mix. 

Think a creative minded Tinkerbell with some language not approved for Disney. That’s me. 

If you are ready to no longer be what is standing in between now and the road to your next level of success, you'll already know this is right for you + that our joint magic is waiting for you to claim.

Find out your application below and I will be in touch within 24 hours to get started!

Your Investment:

One Payment of $3500

(approx £2700)


2 Payments of $1850

(approx £1440)